Monday, June 29, 2020

week# 34

Sanibonani erybody! 

Holy this week just flewww by! And it was SO good! 

Firstly, we met with Sister Shabalala and her grandson Vuyiswa who are both on date. And they passed their interviews! They'll be baptised this comming Sunday! And were super excited for them! 

We have a few other people were teaching who are so close to following the path! Were trying our best to help them along! And we LOVE Mbabane! 

Also my birthday was on Wednesday! It was great! Lots of missionary work! What could be better!? 

We had zone conference and interviews with president. It's always a good time being with them and the rest of the zone! 

Alsooo district conference was yesterday! We had some interesting talks....ahaha about Labola(paying for wifes, its a culteral thing in southern africa to pay for your wife using cows and as you can imagine it cause some issues in the church), ministering, and other minor changes the church has made. It was good! 

That was my week! Thank you all for the birthday wishes I love you all! Feels good to be 19 fasho! 

Love,  Elder Mumford

1. Birthday Burgers
2. Birthday Breakfast
3. Companheiro 
4. I love rain
5. Companheiro 

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