Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Week# 9

Hello family and friends!!

My first transfer is officially over! Yesterday was my 2 month mark and it feels like I've been here for 2 days! Its crazy. I love it here though. 

This week we got our smartphones!! They are going to be a VERY useful tool for us here! Im so excited for all the things that we can do with them. I am so grateful for the opportunity our mission has to pilot the use of these smartphones here in Africa! If you see me posting on my facebook..Dont worry that Im breaking the rules hahah we will be allowed to use our facebook throughout the week and its going to be so awesome. So if you haven't added me on facebook go add me.

We had stake conference on sunday! It was great! I cant believe how many were in the stake.
The whole chapel and overflow of the stake center was full. It was a powerful meeting where the topic was Preaching repentance on both sides of the vail. Perfect for us missionaries! hah

Other than that not much happened this week! Many long days full of lessons! The brakes on the bikes were broken so we took them in and got them serviced. It was not the funnest walking for those 3 days while the bikes were in the shop. And I know just for saying that my next areas going to be a walking area lol. But its true biking is so much better for me ahha. 

I am happy here in Ewatwa! All of the kids by now have heard of the magic that I do so they always asking for magic tricks. haha Its pretty funny. Ill be doing a magic trick in front of like 20 kids and they're all amazed at the tricks lol. Its sick.

But yeah Elder Bah is still my father lol. Hell finish out my training then ill probs be running this area for a little! Etwatwa is doing great!! 

My spiritual thought is about the quote from Elder Bednar. Mission is not a sacrifice, It's who we are." I heard him say it and it hit me really hard. Preaching the gospel shouldn't even be a sacrifice it just be part of who we are. We have this message that I know makes all of us so happy and we should WANT to share that with people!

Love you all! Talk to you next week! 

Elder Mumford

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