Saturday, August 17, 2019

week #8

My first talk in church, my first two baptisms, my first sit down restaurant and my first haircut in the field made for a very eventful week this week. 

First of all the restaurant (Rocomamas) was amazing. haha. I got some ribs, wings, fries, and a shake. Agh very nice to have some nice good food. 

My haircut is interesting hahah. My companions first time cutting a white persons hair lol. But im not trying to get any girls here in Etwatwa so I'm not too mad about it hahah. 

The baptisms were amazing! There was such a strong spirit there and the testimonies of Alex and Thony were so powerful.

My spiritual thought for the week is something from my talk on Sunday:

In Luke 15, the Savior gives three different parables. The parable of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son. Though different stories all three can be applied to someone we know in our lives.

Sheep aren't the smartest creatures on the planet (sorry grandma and grandpa Jones but its true). They eat with they're heads down and follow where the grass is. They may not even realized that they're straying far away from the flock. To them as long as they have good grass to eat they're happy. 

Its the same way with some people. They slowly separate themselves from the church. They have good intentions, ie. a better job, a better place to live. But they don't realize that in their pursue to better themselves they've lost what truly is important. 

The coin was lost due to carelessness or neglect. Just like some people leave the church because they don't feel loved when they come. Everybody deserves to have friends of the same faith. If someone doesn't have fun or feel wanted they're not going to want to some or stay. We can all do better to make everyone feel welcome at church. Especially new or less active people. 

And my favorite, the prodigal son. The son left his father willingly and by his own choice. Just like some people leave the church willingly. Every person has their agency. We cant nor should make them stay. But what we can do is continue to love them and pray for their safe return. And if they do return rejoice. Focus on the good in their lives not on the mistakes they might have made in the past. 

All three of these stories explain ways people can leave the church. We can all learn from these stories about why some people may leave and how to treat those who do. I invite all of you to seek ways to love those who leave and love and encourage them no matter what. 

It was a great week this week and were continuing to teach many people. I love it! Its so great to help people strengthen their faith in our Savior. Etwatwa is definitely a Celestial area.

Love you all, 

Elder Mumford

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