Monday, July 15, 2019

Week #4

POWERFUL first week in the field is all I can say.

Agh leaving all my guys in the MTC was sooo sad but I know that they're all going to do powerfull things in their areas!!

So my Companion/Trainer/Father is Elder Bah! He is from Ivory Coast in West Africa and has been out for 15 months. He is a great guys and is teaching me lots. My area is a township called Etwatwa. And all I can say is that every one of you better be grateful for what you have! A lot of these people have nothing but are so happy and willing to talk more about Jesus Christ!

I have loved meeting all of the investagators and its been so cool to be able to teach them this week. Now i feel like a real missionary hah. All of the young men in the ward and the ones that are going to be baptised are so cool and were all good friends already. I bore my testimony in church yesterday and I felt the spirit so much it was powerful!! 

Im the only white person in my area and im famous! haha all the kids see me and yell "mlungu" (it means white person) haha and they like to feel my hair too haha its funny. But i guess it's a good way to get talking to people about the gospel haha. 

My second day in the area I was blessed with the oppourtunity to eat some chicken feet. Lol they were actually pretty good. Sadly i left my camera at the flat so i cant send any pics of them today! But I saved all my last pictures at the MTC so you can see those. Ive heared that ill be fed some interesting food here so ill keep you updated lol. so far its been chicken feet and ox liver and both have been ok! lol. 

My spiritual thought of the week is Charity. Charity is the pure love of Christ and I know that as we strive to be filled with it we will be able to bless others.
Still working on my letters so theyll get better every week! hahah

I love this gospel and I feel so blessed to be able to share it with the people of Etwatwa!
love you all!

-Elder Mumford

Johannesburg Temple and South Africa flag
Elder Mumford and Elder High
District 4
Mumf and Gooch at the temple
Mumf and Bavu

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