Thursday, July 11, 2019

Week #3

Elder Mumford left the South Africa MTC on Wednesday July 10th. He will be serving with Elder Bah in the Etwatwa 1 area,  of the Benoni Zone. Elder Mumford is so ready and excited to serve and love the people of South Africa. Let the journey begin.


haha this week has been a super spiritual week! I've literally learned so much and it's so great to just spend all day everyday learning about the gospel! 

AGH I have like no time to write this so im trying to hurry. lol.

I had a great week but im just so excited to get in the field and just start teaching so people!!
also i ate some ostrich so that was crazy. and its actually pretty good hahh.

My next p day is next monday so ill be back then and will for sure write a much better email than this!

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