Monday, September 30, 2019

Week #15

Wow this week was a great week! Temple trip, transfer predictions/prep lol, another bad haircut, and lots and lots of teaching!

Tuesday was just a regular day. Lol Tuesday is the new Monday while you on mission. It's the worst day ahah. But we grinded through it! 

Wednesday! Yo Wednesday we had a busy day. Our first appointment was at 11 and we had an appointment every hour till 7! Luckily someone in the middle cancelled so we were able to get some Kota cuz we were starving. But we put Portia on date! She has been comming to church for 3 weeks now and will be baptized on October 27!! So exciting.

Thursday, just a regular day! Not much really happened Haha taught some people but that's about it! 

On Friday we went to the temple! It was so awesome. The coolest part was that I timed up my Book of Mormon reading so that I would read Moroni 10 in the temple and finish it there! It was such a cool experience to pray to know in the temple. The spirit, once again, bore powerful witness to me that the B.O.M is true! I know it is, and it contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel. We can get closer to God by abiding by its precepts!! I encourage you all the read some little bit everyday, I know it will bless your life.

Saturday, we taught a group of about 6 boys who are all going to he baptised in November! Its going to he so cool! They're all on date so they need to come to church each week then Nov 3 they can be baptized, they're all so excited about it. We played soccer again but sadly I couldn't play again. Agh I better be able to next week tho. And transfer news...Elder Bah is leaving! Haha hes going to Kagiso! It's in Soweto so hes excited! My new comp will be Elder Banda, I dont know much about him I think hes from Zambia and hes only a little older on mission than I am but I guess I'll see on Wednesday! 

Sunday, sundays are always good days! Spent our day visiting those who didn't come to church and some others who want to say bye to Bah.

Something really cool I've noticed about being a missionary, people can feel our happiness and peace! There have been like 3 families here in Etwatwa who say after we started visiting them they've been happy whereas before they were stressed and angry. And how everytime after we leave they feel so much better than before! It just testifies to me of the peace that can be found in Christ and as we strive to represent Him worthily He will use us to touch others! 

I forgot to mention last week, I was able to dedicate two homes! Both families said that they felt something not quite right in their home and wanted to dedicate them! I wasn't really sure what to say but I just took a long pause and the beginning of the prayer and just started talking. The spirit was so strong and both of the families said they could feel a change immediately! It was a really cool experience. 

Sorry for the billions of picture lol. 

Love you all, 

Elder Mumford

Week #14

Tuesday was a a good day! First of all Bah and I made a very nice lunch so that was good ha. But we taught this lady named Irene she is very nice! Her sons name is Onthatile and he's adorable so whenever we go there we play with him for like 30 minutes ha. Hopefully she'll come to church soon. We also saw Lindoguhle he is still on date and will probably be baptized in October!

Wednesday was also a good day! We taught Baba Senene his grandson is about my age and he's a member! But Baba Senene has a hard time with some of the things we teach him. Things like . He's so close to being there just not quite! We taught him about Isaiah 29 (prophesy about the Nephites and B.O.M) and he committed to pray about if it really was the Nephites he prophesied about, so that was awesome! Then we saw Thembile. She is 20 and doesnt speak English very well so it's always hard to teach her. But shes super cool and came to church on Sunday! All our other appointments fell through so that was a bummer but we always have people to visit so we still had a busy evening! 

Thursday, aghhhh the beloved weekly planning! Every Thursday we plan for the next week. (who were teaching and what well teach them).

Friday, Distric Council is every Friday! Had a powerful lesson about using our time wisely and setting goals! We taught Musa and the triplets today! Last week we taught them how to pray. I told them that if they can all practice their prayers and next week each pray then they can earn a CTR ring. They were so excited and I'm happy to say, they all passed! (Shouts out to Lauren for the rings! The kids love them).

Saturday we had exchanges! Elder Garcia came to my area and we had some powerful lessons! We taught Phindile first but she said she would come to church so that was a bummer! Then we taught Gogo Sekakane she doestn speak English nicely so we brought Mduduzi with us to help translate! We met her grandsons Kosinati and Tabhelo and we are going to start teaching Tabhelo! He's 17 and he's a cool kid! Then we taught Wandile, he's going to be baptized on November 3! So that will me awesome! Then we played soccer again but sadly I had to sit out so I may have took a little snooze at the chapel Haha.

Sunday was a great day! Elder Bah gave a talk in church for 35 mins! Yo the two speakers before him were very short so he spoke for a long time. But he did great! Sundays we just go and visit people who didn't come to church and some less actives so not much happening! 

My spiritual thought for this week comes from Come Follow Me for (Sept 16-22)! 

What would you do if you heard that a congregation of Saints in another area was struggling in poverty? This was the situation that Paul described to the Corinthian Saints in 2 Corinthians 8–9. He hoped to persuade the Corinthian Saints to donate some of their abundance to Saints in need. But beyond a request for donations, Paul’s words also contain profound truths about giving: “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). In our day, there are still Saints throughout the world who are in need of help. Sometimes the most we can do for them is to fast and donate fast offerings. In other cases, our giving can be more direct and personal. Whatever forms our sacrifices take, it’s worth examining our motivations for giving. Are our sacrifices expressions of love? After all, it’s love that makes a giver cheerful. Serving here in Etwatwa really has humbled me and shown me how grateful I should be. But more than that its taught me how to give. If we cheerfully give to those in need God will bless us! 

 This is Sister Mynah, yo she is an angel sent form heaven haha. Shes a very powerful member and so are her kids! She feeds us when she can and agh I cant say enough good things about her!

This is Lucanda and Golden! There both members!

Monday, September 16, 2019

Week# 13

Week# 12

It was a crazy but great week this week!

Tuesday was a normal day! Many appointments but also many people who were busy when we tried to see them.

Wednesday I went on exchanges with the zone leaders! Their area is called Rynfield and Northmead they are both towns. It was crazy being in a town rather than a township. It felt a lot more like home! We set up banners at this place called Northmead Square and played games with people about the book of mormon. I really enjoyed it. It was a great way to find a bu ch of new people and it was definitely out of my comfort zone to do something like that but I enjoyed.

You guys probably haven't heard but there's been lots of unrest in Joburg this week. Foreign shop owners are being attacked and there been riots and stuff throughout Gauteng.
Consequently, we had to get back to the flat early on Wednesday because riots broke out in Daveyton! 

And Thursday we stayed at the flat all day! Agh it was a slow day that's for sure but what can you do!? Haha lots of studying playing soccer outside.

Friday was a normal day we had a lot of appointments fall through though. I don't know why but it's been happening a lot lately. Agh so frustrating. But it's ok we just need to try to communicate better!!

Sunday was a great day! On Sunday we usually visit new concerts or less active so we  had a busy day running all around the area. I love sundays though!

In my personal study this week I read John chapter 10! It speaks about how Christ is the Good Shepherd. I loved reading this chapter because it gives a really good picture of who Christ is and what his relationship with us is like. I invite you all to read it and think about how has Christ been a shepherd to you in your life.

1. District picture from Zone conference (candid shot)
2. Same as the first pic (district second transfer)
3. Mama Moloy after our lunch appointment on Sunday
4. The squad

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Week# 11

Selfie some kids haha... Elder Garcia replaced Elder Nganda in our District.

More from Helping Hands - Rise Up Against Hunger Campaign

Elder Leterms Last transfer was my first transfer... lol... I'll be there one day.

Minihle is Phindiles daughter. She's all dressed up to go to Zion Church with her gogo.

I wasn't lying about doing magic tricks for the kids lol.

Last pic with Elder Naganda in the district.

Our home made springbok ribs... mmmmmm!

Week# 10

Helping our recent convert Alex make an "ironing board"

My companion Elder Bah and Elder Nganda after we got smart phones last week.

Institute class every Tuesday night with all the men of age in the branch.

Our district before Nganda left.

My district at the Rise Up Against Hunger campaign we did on Saturday with Mormon Helping Hands.

Week# 9

Hello family and friends!!

My first transfer is officially over! Yesterday was my 2 month mark and it feels like I've been here for 2 days! Its crazy. I love it here though. 

This week we got our smartphones!! They are going to be a VERY useful tool for us here! Im so excited for all the things that we can do with them. I am so grateful for the opportunity our mission has to pilot the use of these smartphones here in Africa! If you see me posting on my facebook..Dont worry that Im breaking the rules hahah we will be allowed to use our facebook throughout the week and its going to be so awesome. So if you haven't added me on facebook go add me.

We had stake conference on sunday! It was great! I cant believe how many were in the stake.
The whole chapel and overflow of the stake center was full. It was a powerful meeting where the topic was Preaching repentance on both sides of the vail. Perfect for us missionaries! hah

Other than that not much happened this week! Many long days full of lessons! The brakes on the bikes were broken so we took them in and got them serviced. It was not the funnest walking for those 3 days while the bikes were in the shop. And I know just for saying that my next areas going to be a walking area lol. But its true biking is so much better for me ahha. 

I am happy here in Ewatwa! All of the kids by now have heard of the magic that I do so they always asking for magic tricks. haha Its pretty funny. Ill be doing a magic trick in front of like 20 kids and they're all amazed at the tricks lol. Its sick.

But yeah Elder Bah is still my father lol. Hell finish out my training then ill probs be running this area for a little! Etwatwa is doing great!! 

My spiritual thought is about the quote from Elder Bednar. Mission is not a sacrifice, It's who we are." I heard him say it and it hit me really hard. Preaching the gospel shouldn't even be a sacrifice it just be part of who we are. We have this message that I know makes all of us so happy and we should WANT to share that with people!

Love you all! Talk to you next week! 

Elder Mumford