Tuesday was just a regular day. Lol Tuesday is the new Monday while you on mission. It's the worst day ahah. But we grinded through it!
Wednesday! Yo Wednesday we had a busy day. Our first appointment was at 11 and we had an appointment every hour till 7! Luckily someone in the middle cancelled so we were able to get some Kota cuz we were starving. But we put Portia on date! She has been comming to church for 3 weeks now and will be baptized on October 27!! So exciting.
Thursday, just a regular day! Not much really happened Haha taught some people but that's about it!
On Friday we went to the temple! It was so awesome. The coolest part was that I timed up my Book of Mormon reading so that I would read Moroni 10 in the temple and finish it there! It was such a cool experience to pray to know in the temple. The spirit, once again, bore powerful witness to me that the B.O.M is true! I know it is, and it contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel. We can get closer to God by abiding by its precepts!! I encourage you all the read some little bit everyday, I know it will bless your life.
Saturday, we taught a group of about 6 boys who are all going to he baptised in November! Its going to he so cool! They're all on date so they need to come to church each week then Nov 3 they can be baptized, they're all so excited about it. We played soccer again but sadly I couldn't play again. Agh I better be able to next week tho. And transfer news...Elder Bah is leaving! Haha hes going to Kagiso! It's in Soweto so hes excited! My new comp will be Elder Banda, I dont know much about him I think hes from Zambia and hes only a little older on mission than I am but I guess I'll see on Wednesday!
Sunday, sundays are always good days! Spent our day visiting those who didn't come to church and some others who want to say bye to Bah.
Something really cool I've noticed about being a missionary, people can feel our happiness and peace! There have been like 3 families here in Etwatwa who say after we started visiting them they've been happy whereas before they were stressed and angry. And how everytime after we leave they feel so much better than before! It just testifies to me of the peace that can be found in Christ and as we strive to represent Him worthily He will use us to touch others!
I forgot to mention last week, I was able to dedicate two homes! Both families said that they felt something not quite right in their home and wanted to dedicate them! I wasn't really sure what to say but I just took a long pause and the beginning of the prayer and just started talking. The spirit was so strong and both of the families said they could feel a change immediately! It was a really cool experience.
Sorry for the billions of picture lol.
Love you all,